I decided to trade my truck in for a bigger, 3/4 ton, and had to drive to Denver to pick it up.
On the way there I took Highway 160 East to 285 North. The most beautiful part of this drive was the Wolf Creek Pass area between Pagosa Springs and Del Norte. The whole drive was amazing though.
The new truck is almost identical to the old one, just a lot bigger
In Denver I stayed with an old friend from high school and we hung out Friday night.
The next morning I drove back and took a different route. I took 285 South to Poncha Springs and then took highway 50 West to Gunnison and over to Montrose. Then I took 550 South to Ridgway and there got on the San Juan Skyway and took that all the way to Cortez. This entire drive was gorgeous, especially the areas around Gunnison.
In the last two days we drove over 800 miles right through the heart of the Colorado mountains. We saw so many incredible things. Not only the scenery, but also tons of wildlife. And I got to meet up with old friends in Denver which was awesome. Next stop is Arizona.
The beast at the top of the cliff is a mountain lion. I was driving down the highway when all of a sudden I saw him fly off the top of this cliff (at least 30ft high) and he landed right in the middle of the road in front of my truck. I slammed the brakes and he just stood up and looked at me and then in about 3 leaps bounded back up to the top of the cliff and then I took this picture.
Camping Location
Cortez, Colorado